Monochromacy Colour Blindness


A close up of a greyscale eye with a grey pupil.

Monochromacy (AKA: Achromatopsia) is frequently divided into two main categories of Rod-Monochromacy and Cone-Monochromacy. Anyone who suffers from either type of monochromacy will be unable to distinguish colour. Rod-Monochromacy is is often associated with photophobia and poor vision as additional symptoms, whereas those suffering from Cone-Monochronmacy often have regular, or perfect vision with regards to clarity. It is often difficult for individuals suffering with Monochromacy to struggle to differentiate between colours of a similar brightnesss level. For example in the image below, the red and pink, and the yellows and pale greens, look very similar shades in the right hand picture.

A field of multicoloured flowers and a blue sky A field of multicoloured flowers and a blue sky as seen by someone with monochromacy.
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